The Three Most Important Things To Do To Prepare For A New School Year


The onset of a new school year is experienced differently by educators. For most, there is an aspect of nerves. Just the other day I had that dream where you are in front of a class and can’t get control of anything. Excitement, anxiety, fear, jubilation, indifference… whatever the emotion, it is important to recognize that the year can only be as good as the teacher you are. As you embark on this new year of school, consider how you want to show up as a teacher this year. Read below for a great exercise in being your best this school year.

Before heading back to school, engaging in professional development, classroom set-up, department and grade team meetings, etc. one of the best things you can do is craft a vision statement for yourself. We often do this for/ with our school, our teams, even our classrooms but how often, if ever, do we as educators do this for ourselves? Perhaps we do this on January 1st, but what could your school year be like if you did this August 1st?

I came back to work on July 6th. The week before I returned, I sat down and committed to three things I plan to ground myself in this school year: Balance, Joy, and Transformational Impact. I will admit, I foresee these three words in potential conflict with one another however, I also know, these three things are integral in the success of my school year.

Crafting Your Vision

Step 1: What are 3-5 things you want to be true for yourself this school year? Close your eyes and think about how you are showing up in those meetings, in your classroom, when you come home. Think about how you look, sound, feel as you consider these 3-5 words.

Step 2: Open your eyes and begin to write. What are those 3-5 words and what are descriptors for each word? Get specific. When I thought of me being balanced, I thought about getting up early and exercising, laying in bed with my husband and kids while we read books, being at the school and in classrooms, spending time with students… In all of these visions, I was smiling, laughing, hugging, simply exuding joy. As you create your vision, do yourself a favor and be as concrete as possible.

Step 3: Share these words with your closest peers, friends or family so that they can support you in this vision. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and share with them how they can help you fulfill this vision for yourself. The first person I told my vision to was my counterpart who happens to be the principal. We talked about what each looks and sounds like and what support I need if any of the above are out of whack.

Happy vision setting and once that vision is set, let’s get ready to put it into our plans, which you can read about on the next page.

I would love to read about your vision so please feel free to DM me either on FB or IG or reach out via the contact form below!

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